Apply Knowledge of Basic Principles of Biomechanics Regarding Exercise Selection, Execution, and Sport Performance

The Pop Quiz below contains 3 questions from the following knowledge area of the CSCS exam. Failure to correctly answer questions may suggest an area that needs further review.

Exercise Sciences

C. Apply Knowledge of Basic Principles of Biomechanics Regarding Exercise Selection, Execution, and Sport Performance

  1. Kinetic laws and principles of movement (lever systems, momentum, torque, power, work, force, center of gravity, impulse, center of pressure, force-velocity curve, force-time curve, etc.)
  2. Kinematic laws and principles of movement (anatomical planes of movement, joint angles, isometric/isotonic/isokinetic, velocity, etc)
  3. Role of muscles in movement (e.g., agonist, antagonist, synergist, neutralizer, stabilizer)

When answering the questions, please choose the “Best” answer.

1. During freestyle swimming, which of the following muscles acts as a synergist to the deltoid?


2. A volleyball player is performing standing plantar flexion against resistance. Which of the following types of levers occurs at the ball of the foot during this exercise?


3. Which of the following shoulder movements and planes of action are associated with a tennis backhand?