Determine the Design, Layout, and Organization of the Strength and Conditioning Facility

The Pop Quiz below contains 3 questions from the following knowledge area of the CSCS exam. Failure to correctly answer questions may suggest an area that needs further review.

Organization and Administration

A. Determine the Design, Layout, and Organization of the Strength and Conditioning Facility (e.g., flooring, ceiling height, mirror placement, ventilation, lighting, characteristics of the equipment) Based on Athletic Needs and Industry Standards
When answering the questions, please choose the “Best” answer.

1. What is the minimum recommended space between weightlifting platforms in order to reduce the risk of injury?


2. Which of the following environmental conditions are the MOST appropriate for a strength and conditioning facility?


3. Mirrors inside the strength and conditioning facility can be utilized as a coaching tool and to make a room feel larger than it actually is. In order to reduce the chance of mirrors breaking from the rolling of weights, what is the minimum height they should be from the floor?