NSCA CSCS Exam Content Changes Effective January 31st 2020

Below is a concise summary of the changes to the content of the NSCA CSCS Examination that occurred on January 31st 2020.

The NSCA relates that the Detailed Content Outline remains almost identical to the current one.

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition remains the current preparatory text.

To view the new detailed content outline of the exercise science and practical/applied sections please open the PDF below

  • Updated NSCA CSCS Detailed Content Outline

    Scientific Foundation Changes:

  • Sport Psychology added as a new domain (2); was 1.J in old outline
  • Nutrition is now domain number 3, was formerly number 2.
  • Exercise Science now has 44 questions instead of 59
  • Sport Psychology formerly inside Exercise Science has 19 questions
  • Nutrition now has 17 questions instead of 21
  • There is one less recall type question and one more analysis type question.

    Practical/Applied Changes:

  • 1.F: Teach and Evaluate Movement Preparation is now 1.A
  • 1.G: Teach Spotting Procedures and Techniques: Has been removed as a Task and added as a subtask within 1.B
  • 1.G: Teach and Evaluate Recovery Techniques; ADDED to new outline
  • Exercise Technique now has 40 questions instead of 38
  • Program Design now has 38 questions instead of 39
  • Organization and Administration now has 12 questions instead of 13
  • Testing and Evaluation was renamed Testing, Ongoing Monitoring, and Data Evaluation. It remains at 20 questions.
  • There is one less recall type question and one more application type question.

    1.G Teach and Evaluate Recovery Techniques (e.g., hydrotherapy, sleep, hydration, soft tissue, compression, static stretching exercises):

  • Preparatory body and limb position (e.g. stance, posture, alignment)
  • Execution of technique (e.g., body and limb positions, movement mechanics, breathing, focus, arousal)
  • Assessment, correction, and modification of exercise technique

    For the most up to date information about the new exam format or any other questions regarding changes to the CSCS examination always consult the NSCA Certification Department or contact the NSCA directly via email or telephone.